IEEE Reliability MagazineISSN: 2641-8819 The scope of the IEEE Reliability Magazine includes both hardware and software reliability. Articles are oriented toward practical aspects of reliability and the application of reliability engineering. The articles may focus on reliability in a number of current and emerging fields. The Magazine offers educational materials such as technical review papers, book reviews, professional development activities, industrial and university profiles, conference news, and a calendar of important events.
IEEE Transactions on Device and Materials ReliabilityISSN: 1530-4388 | eISSN: 1558-2574
IEEE Transactions on Device and Materials Reliability includes, but is not limited to Reliability of: Devices, Materials, Processes, Interfaces, Integrated Microsystems (including MEMS & Sensors), Transistors, Technology (CMOS, BiCMOS, etc.), Integrated Circuits (IC, SSI, MSI, LSI, ULSI, ELSI, etc.), Thin Film Transistor Applications. The measurement and understanding of the reliability of such entities at each phase, from the concept stage through research and development and into manufacturing scale-up, provides the overall database on the reliability of the devices, materials, processes, package and other necessities for the successful introduction of a product to market. This reliability database is the foundation for a quality product, which meets customer expectations.
IEEE Transactions on Industry ApplicationsISSN: 1077-2618 | eISSN: 1558-0598 IEEE Industry Applications Magazine publishes articles concerning technical subjects and professional activities that are within the Scope of the IEEE Industry Applications Society (IAS) and are of interest to society members. The information includes but is not limited to articles, product reviews, book reviews, new standards, education information, announcements of conferences, workshops, new publications, committee meetings, and reports of lAS activities
IEEE Transactions on ReliabilityISSN: 0018-9529 | eISSN: 1558-1721 IEEE Transactions on Reliability is a refereed journal for the reliability and allied disciplines including, but not limited to, maintainability, physics of failure, life testing, prognostics, design and manufacture for reliability, reliability for systems of systems, network availability, mission success, warranty, safety, and various measures of effectiveness.
International Journal of Quality and Reliability ManagementISSN: 0265-671X | eISSN: 1758-6682 The International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management (IJQRM) deals with all aspects of business improvements and with all aspects of manufacturing, services, public sector and even voluntary sector from the training of (senior) managers, to innovations in organizing and processing to raise standards of product and service quality. The primary scope of the IJQRM is on the management aspects of quality and reliability and not engineering or heavy mathematical components of quality and reliability.
International Journal of Reliability, Quality and Safety EngineeringISSN: 0218-5393 | eISSN: 1793-6446 IJRQSE is a refereed journal focusing on both the theoretical and practical aspects of reliability, quality, and safety in engineering. The journal is intended to cover a broad spectrum of issues in manufacturing, computing, software, aerospace, control, nuclear systems, power systems, communication systems, and electronics. Papers are sought in the theoretical domain as well as in such practical fields as industry and laboratory research.
International Journal of Reliability and SafetyISSN: 1479-389X | eISSN: 1479-3903 International Journal of Reliability and Safety provides an authoritative source of information and an international forum in the field of reliability and safety. It is a highly professional and refereed journal that aims to achieve a balance between academic rigour and practical applications from all disciplines. In addition, prominent members of the reliability and safety community may serve as guest editors of special issues dedicated to a specific subject.
Journal of Quality in Maintenance EngineeringISSN: 1355-2511 | eISSN: 1758-7832 The Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering (JQME) aims to bring together developments in maintenance and quality that are of interest to both practitioners and researchers. Maintenance engineering is one of the "Cinderellas" of the organizational world, yet it has a crucial role to play in minimizing process variability and sustaining process stability – the essential ingredients of product quality.
Microelectronics ReliabilityISSN: 0026-2714 | eISSN: 1872-941X Microelectronics Reliability is dedicated to disseminating the latest research results and related information on the reliability of microelectronic devices, circuits and systems, from materials, process and manufacturing, to design, testing and operation. The coverage of the journal includes the following topics: measurement, understanding and analysis; evaluation and prediction; modelling and simulation; methodologies and mitigation.
Quality and Reliability Engineering InternationalISSN: 0748-8017 | eISSN: 1099-1638 Quality and Reliability Engineering International journal solves real-life quality and reliability problems in a broad range of engineering contexts. An integral part of the quality and reliability community, our broad topic focus attracts readers and authors from industry and academia alike. Our papers cover quality engineering challenges across electronic, electrical, mechanical, systems and software engineering, as well as operations research and management.
Reliability Engineering and System SafetyISSN: 0951-8320 | eISSN: 1879-0836 Reliability Engineering and System Safety is an international journal devoted to the development and application of methods for the enhancement of the safety and reliability of complex technological systems, like nuclear power plants, chemical plants, hazardous waste facilities, space systems, offshore and maritime systems, transportation systems, constructed infrastructure and manufacturing plants.
Accuris Engineering WorkbenchEngineering Workbench (formerly IHS Standards Expert) provides access, tracking and management of over 1.6 million standards, specifications, codes and related documents from government, military and commercial sources.
ASME Digital CollecitonThe ASME Digital Collection provides online access to journals, conference proceedings, and books published by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
Gale Academic OneFileAcademic OneFile has 9,000 full-text journals, new sources, magazines, and other authoritative resources. It includes extensive coverage of the physical sciences, technology, medicine, social sciences, the arts, theology, literature and other subjects. Updated daily. Subscription available through MWR DOD Libraries.
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Xplore Digital LibraryIncludes access to the full text of IEEE content published since 1988 with select content published since 1893 from: IEEE journals, transactions, and magazines, including early access documents; IEEE conference proceedings; IET journals; IET conference proceedings; IEEE published standards; IEEE Standards Dictionary Online. Also includes access to AbstractPlus records and select full text published since 2005 from VDE VERLAG conference
ScopusScopus is the largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature: scientific journals, books and conference proceedings. Delivering a comprehensive overview of the world's research output in the fields of science, technology, medicine, social sciences, and arts and humanities, Scopus features smart tools to track, analyze and visualize research.
SPIE Digital LibraryThe SPIE Digital Library contains the world's largest collection of optics and photonics applied research. With more than 470,000 papers spanning biomedicine, communications, sensors, defense and security, manufacturing, electronics, energy, and imaging, the SPIE Digital Library is the most extensive research database available on optics and photonics research.
Maintainability vs ReliabilityIn video and text, Upkeep details maintainability, how to measure it, and what it is versus reliability.
Musings on Reliability and Maintenance TopicsThe blog Accendo Reliability contains information and resources on reliability, including articles, eBooks, courses, webinars, and more.
Reliability, Availability, Maintainability (RAM) Concept ExplainedIn an ideal world, all assets would be designed in such a way that they rarely fail and that they are easy and cheap to maintain. Since we do not live in a fairytale, we rely on Reliability, Availability, and Maintainability analysis to find a balance between asset productivity, purchasing, and maintenance cost. This page contains information on reliability, availability, and maintainability, why they're studied together, and more.
Reliability and Maintainability EngineeringThe purpose of Reliability and Maintainability (R&M) engineering is to influence system design in order to increase mission capability and availability and decrease logistics burden and cost over a system’s life cycle. This page contains DoD-specific information on reliability and maintainability engineering.
ScienceDirect - MaintainabilityThis ever-updating page from ScienceDirect includes fundamental and recent articles and book chapters regarding maintainability.
Advances in Reliability, Failure and Risk Analysis by Harish Garg (Editor)This book collects select chapters on modern industrial problems related to uncertainties and vagueness in the expert domain of knowledge. The book further provides the knowledge related to application of various mathematical and statistical tools in these areas. The results presented in the book help the researchers and scientists in handling complicated projects in their domains. Useful to industrialists, academicians, researchers and students alike, the book aims to help managers and technical specialists in designing and implementation of reliability and risk programs as below: Ensure the system safety and risk informed asset management; Follow a proper strategy to maintain the mechanical components of the system; Schedule the proper actions throughout the product life cycle; Understand the structure and cost of a complex system; Plan the proper schedule to improve the reliability and life of the system; Identify unwanted failures and set up preventive and correction action.
Call Number: *Available by Request
ISBN: 9789811999086
Publication Date: 2023-04-09
Reliability, Maintainability and Risk: Practical Methods for Engineers by David J. SmithReliability, Maintainability and Risk: Practical Methods for Engineers, Tenth Edition has taught reliability and safety engineers techniques to minimize process design, operation defects and failures for over 40 years. For beginners, the book provides tactics on how to avoid pitfalls in this complex and wide field. For experts in the field, well-described, realistic and illustrative examples and case studies add new insights and assistance.
Call Number: *Available by Request
ISBN: 9780323912617
Publication Date: 2021-12-07
Reliability and Maintenance Modeling with Optimization by Mitsutaka KimuraReliability and maintenance modeling with optimization is the most fundamental and interdisciplinary research area that can be applied to every technical and management field. Reliability and Maintenance Modeling with Optimization: Advances and Applications aims at providing the most recent advances and achievements in reliability and maintenance. The book discusses replacement, repair, and inspection, offers estimation and statistical tests, covers accelerated life testing, explores warranty analysis manufacturing, and includes service reliability.
Call Number: Digital Copy Available from O'Reilly Learning (formerly Safari)
ISBN: 9780367558062
Publication Date: 2023-03-01
Click the Books & eBooks tab above to see even more books.
Professional Associations
Annual Reliability and Maintainability Symposium (RAMS)The Annual Reliability and Maintainability Symposium (RAMS®) is a world-renowned annual symposium alternating between east and west coast areas of the United States and has been continually conducted successfully since 1954. Its purpose is to promote the Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Safety professions and provide training, education, recognition, and advancement of these professions. As part of this, RAMS® generates peer reviewed technical papers that are published on-line in IEEE Xplore. RAMS® also provides extensive tutorials on the RAMS® body of knowledge (BoK), to include basic and advanced topics.
ASQ Reliability DivisionThe ASQ Reliability and Risk Division is the largest group in the world who promote risk analysis and reliability training. We are a volunteer organization focused on providing member benefits, thus advancing risk analysis and reliability engineering globally. We are a major professional association within the framework of the American Society for Quality.
IEEE Reliability SocietyIEEE is the world's largest technical association, with publications, conferences, and technical communities on a world-wide scale. The Reliability Society consists of anyone that has an interest in making “things” reliable. The Society is concerned with the strategies and the best practices for attaining, assessing, assuring, and sustaining system reliability throughout its life cycle.
Institute of Industrial & Systems Engineers: Quality Control & Reliability Engineering DivisionThe QCRE division's vision is to be the premier professional organization for individuals engaged in quality control and reliability engineering (QCRE) in both academia and industry by increasing networking and partnership among its members, and providing opportunities to foster, recognize and share innovations at the forefront of QCRE.
Safety and Reliability Society (SaRS)The Safety and Reliability Society (SaRS) is the professional body for safety, reliability and risk management practitioners. SaRS is a Licensed Member of the Engineering Council providing registration for Chartered Engineers and Incorporated Engineers. Membership is open to everyone from students to experienced engineers. Members receive our quarterly peer reviewed journal, regular newsletter and discounted access to conferences and events.
The Society for Maintenance and Reliability ProfessionalsThe Society for Maintenance & Reliability Professionals (SMRP) is a nonprofit professional society formed by practitioners to develop and promote excellence in maintenance, reliability and physical asset management while creating leaders in the profession.
Society of Reliability EngineersThe Society of Reliability Engineers (SRE) is an overarching organization that contains international chapters. Membership includes participation in local chapter activities, copies of Lamda Notes (their newsletter), and discounted admission to SRE-sponsored activities.
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